On August 25, 2023, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science named after V.A. Musin hosted a meeting between Victoria Romanova, Scientific Supervisor of the Center, LL.D., Professor, and Yu GAO, Participant of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Musin Readings 2023. Relevant Energy Law Tasks, Participant of the Youth Energy Law Forum 2023 from the People’s Republic of China.

Yu GAO came to personally receive Energy Law Forum issue No. 2 for 2023, which published his scientific article titled Prospects of Sino-Russian Cooperation in Gas Supply. Victoria Romanova and Yu GAO discussed the latest developments in energy law in the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China during their meeting.

Yu GAO showed great interest in the postgraduate and advanced training programs of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science named after V.A. Musin, particularly those focusing on energy and gas law. Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science named after V.A. Musin expresses its deep appreciation of Yu GAO’s visit and wishes him great success in his scientific endeavors.