On September 29, 2023, V.V. Romanova, Scientific Supervisor of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science named after V.A. Musin, participated in the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of Transneft, PJSC. The meeting’s topic was Regulation of Land and Property Relations in the Allocation and Operation of Major Pipeline Transport Facilities.

In his opening speech, V.A. Kalanda, Vice-President of Transneft, PJSC, emphasized the importance of collaboration between science and business to enhance legal regulation in the fuel and energy sector, which involves analyzing law enforcement practice results. The meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board was attended by A.I. Butovetsky, State Secretary / Deputy Head of The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, I.N. Khlyshchenko, Head of the Legal Department at Transneft-Druzhba, JSC, M.A. Bykov, Head of the Legal Department at Transneft-Privolga, JSC, Yu.A. Kapul, Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative Disputes and Enforcement Proceedings at Transneft, PJSC, etc.