Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex at the Present Stage: Legal Regulation Objectives.
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
Association of Lawyers of Russia.
V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization.
Priority topics
Legal regulation of the digitalization of the fuel and energy complex, including individual branches of the energy sector and areas of activity;
Legal regulation of energy infrastructure security;
Legal regulation of energy resources extraction;
Legal regulation of innovative development in the energy sector;
Legal regulation of corporate management in the energy sector;
Legal regulation of energy resources export;
Legal regulation of prices (tariffs) in the energy sector;
Contractual regulation in the energy sector;
Legal regulation of protection of rights of energy market participants;
Legal regulation of state control (supervision) in the energy sector;
Responsibility for violation of requirements of energy law.
The participants may also submit their papers on other topics in accordance with the publication requirements.
Scope of Activities
– Specialists of companies of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation
– Practicing lawyers, employees of consulting companies, attorneys
– Postgraduate students, research scientists, teachers
Minimum level of education: master’s degree, specialist’s degree diploma.
How to join
1. Fill in the registration form (attached)
2. Send copies of academic certificates confirming at least master’s or specialist’s degree and your article to the Center’s e-mail
The article should be formatted according to the rules for publications in the Energy Law Forum journal posted at:
Competition schedule
The competition will be held in several stages during the calendar year.
The summing up will take place every quarter.
Submissions for the 1st stage will close on February 20, 2023.
Summing up for the 1st quarter will take place no later than on March 1, 2023.
Submissions for the 2nd stage will close on May 20, 2023.
Summing up for the 2nd quarter will take place no later than on June 1, 2023.
Submissions for the 3rd stage will close on August 20, 2023.
Summing up for the 3rd quarter will take place no later than on September 1, 2023.
Submissions for the 4th stage will close on November 20, 2023.
Summing up for the 1st quarter will take place no later than on December 1, 2023.
Certificates will be awarded to all participants.
Competition papers recommended for publication will be published in the Energy Law Forum journal.
Authors of the best competition papers will be awarded with laureate diplomas.
Stage winners will be given the opportunity to present their papers at the Youth Scientific Forum on Energy Law and other research and practice events of the Energy Law Center.
For potential postgraduate students, having their papers published will provide additional points when applying for graduate programs of V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization.
Stage winners will receive gift vouchers for the Modern Energy Law remote learning course of advanced professional training with a standard certificate.
Members of the Competition Commission
A.B. Bondarenko, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.
K.A. Makarov, Director of the Legal Department.
V.N. Pligin, Co-Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.
Zh.A. Dzhakupov, Advisor to the President of Transneft, PJSC, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
A.G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
V.V. Romanova, Chief Scientific Officer of V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization, Chairperson of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
L.Yu. Akimov, Deputy General Director of Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
D.V. Ustyugov, Director for Legal Affairs of FGC UES, PJSC, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
N.A. Zhabin, Head of the Regulatory Directorate of the Legal Affairs Unit of Inter RAO, PJSC, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
A.V. Popov, Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs and Property Complex of Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
A.A. Efimova, Deputy Managing Director, Director for Legal Affairs of Mosenergo, PJSC, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
D.L. Nikishin, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of Rosgeoekspertiza Federal State Institution, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
N.P. Roschenko, Member of the Management Board, Head of the Legal Department of Non-Commercial Partnership Market Council Association.
I.A. Kashlikova, Head of the Legal Department of ATS, JSC, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
L.V. Titova, Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs of Gazprom Energoholding, LLC, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
A.Sh. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Managing Director, Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs, MOEK, PJSC.
V.V. Shabunya, Director for Legal Regulation of MosTransProject State Budgetary Institution, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Complex.
Contact details
8 (800) 600-36-43