On April 9, 2021, within the framework of the Moscow Legal Forum, the international scientific and practical conference “Musin Readings. 2021. Actual problems of energy law” was held. The conference was attended by Russian and foreign scientists, practitioners, specialists of energy companies, state bodies, representatives of energy companies, post graduate students, student of master’s degree programs. The event is organized by the Kutafin Moscow State Law University( MSLA), the Association of lawyers of Russia, the Musin Research Center for Energy Law and the Development of Modern Legal Science, Gazprom VNII GAZ LLC, the Lawyer Publishing Group.
Opening the conference, moderator of the conference, Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Energy Law of the O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA), Director of the Center for Energy Law of SPbSEU, Scientific Director of the V. A. Musin Research Center Victoria Romanova noted the active participation of the organizers and participants of the event in the preparation of the event, the results of the work carried out since the Musin Readings 2020, thanked PJSC Gazprom for its assistance in the development of energy law and modern legal science, for support in the preservation and development of the scientific heritage of V. A. Musin.
Vladimir Pligin, Co-Chairman of the Association of lawyers of Russia, delivered a welcoming address to the participants of the Mukhin Readings 2021.

Presentations were made by:
Andrey Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences – “Legal regulation of investment activities in the energy sector”
Michael Kleandrov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences – “General problematic issues of the legal regulation in the sphere of “green” energy»
Raphael Heffron, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Center for Energy, Oil, and Natural Resources Law (University of Dundee, UK) – «New Risks in Energy Project Development»
Kim Talus, Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of Energy Law Center at Tulane University (USA) – « European gas disputes»
Victoria Romanova, Doctor of Law, Head of Energy Law Department at Kutafin Moscow State Law University( MSAL), Director of the Energy law Center at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics – “International projects for the construction of energy infrastructure and the modern tasks of energy law and order»
Lubov Shevchenko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Legal regulation of fuel and energy complex MGIMO – “Peculiarities of the contractual regulation of relations on the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits”
Rose Salieva, Doctor of law, Professor, head of laboratory of legal problems of subsoil use, environment and fuel and energy complex of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan – “Law-Enforcement practice on disputes in the field of formation of regulated prices (tariffs) for energy resources provided to consumers”
Lela Chkhutiashvili, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) – ” Energy-saving Technologies in Russia and abroad»
Vyacheslav Gusyakov, candidate of legal sciences, Deputy Chairman of the International Union of Lawyers – «Directions of digitalization of the oil industry and some problems of legislative support in this area»
Vladimir Prokhorenko, candidate of legal sciences Deputy Director for Legal Affairs – Head of the Legal Support Department of JSC “SO UES” – «Demand Management for Electric Energy: Problems of finding a Legal structure»
Vladislav Tubdenov,candidate of legal sciences, Division head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Rosgeolexpertiza”, senior lecturer of Еnergy law Department at the Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL) – ” Problems and novelties of legal regulation of the examination of project documentation for geological exploration for oil and gas»
Nikolay Akimov, candidate of legal sciences, Deputy Director for Legal Work of the Association of SRO ” Tsentrizyskania» – ” Trends and challenges in the development of local regulation in the energy sector»
Ekaterina Kologermanskaya, candidate of legal sciences – “The legal regime of offshore wind turbines under the legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries”
Marina Volochkova, candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Gubkin Russian State University (NRU) – «Problems of legal support of energy security in the modern world», co-speaker – Galiya Kuzmicheva, Lecturer of the Department of Information, Energy Law and Criminal Law Disciplines of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU)
Nadejda Koropets, chief specialist of claims work of the office of legal PJSC “Mosenergo”, postgraduate student of the of Еnergy law Department at the Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL) – “Legal ensuring of the functioning of the alternative generation in the wholesale market of electric energy and power”
Mikhail Gorshkov, postgraduate student of the Department of energy law at Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL) – “Coordination of measures of state control in the field of energy saving and increase of energy efficiency in the electricity grid sector»
Snezhana Saushkina, Deputy head of the Department of PJSC “Gazprom”, postgraduate student of Energy Law Center of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics – “Problematic aspects of the procurement of material and technical resources energy companies in accordance with the Federal law of 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ»
Sergey Koshman, Deputy head of the division of administrative law enforcement and the judicial protection of the legal Department of “Gazprom export”, postgraduate student of Energy Law Center of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics – “Actual problems of legal support of customs clearance of export of natural gas from the territory of the Eurasian economic Union”
Valentin Kotousov, Deputy head of the audit Department of the main activities of the office of internal audit, OOO “Gazprom invest”, postgraduate student of Energy Law Center of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics – “Legal regulation for the use of pipelines to transport hydrogen”
Maria Zhukovskaya, Head of the Legal Department of Gazprom Transgaz Samara, LLC, postgraduate student of Energy Law Center of Saint Petersburg State University of Economics – Certain aspects of legal regulation in the field of ensuring safety during gas transportation by main pipelines»
Rustam Shakerov, lecturer of Energy Law department at Kutafin Moscow State Law University( MSAL), Chief Specialist of the Contract Work Department of Mosenergosbyt JSC – “The legal regime of offshore wind turbines under the legislation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries”
Summing up the results of the international scientific and practical conference ” Musin Readings. 2021. Current problems of energy law “conference participants” the participants of the event noted the importance of legal research on energy law, taking into account modern realities, practical needs, the need to train scientific personnel and highly qualified personnel in energy law. Victoria Romanova expressed gratitude to all the participants of the event for their reports and valuable recommendations on the further development of legal regulation in the energy sector, and expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation. The conclusions and recommendations presented by the participants will be sent to PJSC Gazprom, Gazprom Group companies, authorized state bodies and organizations. Andrey Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, member of the organizing committee of the Musin Readings 2021, made a proposal to prepare a memorandum to the Government of the Russian Federation on the problematic aspects of the development of legal regulation in the energy sector and the need to intensify scientific and practical research in this area in order to form the necessary legal framework.

Discussion by the organizing committee of the international scientific and practical conference ” Musin Readings. 2021. Current problems of energy law ” proposals and recommendations of the participants of the event.
The reports of the participants will be published in the upcoming issues of the international scientific and practical journal “Legal Energy Forum”.