Welcome speech by Victoria Valerievna Romanova

daughter of V.A. Musin,
Doctor of Law, Editor-in-Chief of Energy Law Forum International Scientific Journal, Chairman of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Laws in the Fuel and Energy Complex Area
Dear Colleagues and Friends!
First of all, let me thank all of you for your notable and touching attitude to Valery Abramovich Musin, his scientific heritage, creative ideas, and views. Commemorative scientific conferences and round tables are held and scientific and educational materials are published regularly thanks to his students, colleagues, and friends.
In 2018, the Association of Lawyers of Russia supported the initiative of the Department of Energy Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) to establish the Valery Abramovich Musin Russian Law Award for contribution to energy law development.
2020 saw first Musin Readings. Topical Issues of Energy Law with Gazprom VNIIGAZ, LLC, as a co-organizer.
In 2020, numerous requests of students and colleagues of Valery Abramovich Musin prompted the establishment of V.A. Musin Research Center of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization.
It means for all of us an opportunity to implement the scientific ideas of Valery Abramovich, who was convinced that scientific research should be driven by the real needs of energy companies, policy-making developments should take into account both the experience of foreign legal regulation and the results of law enforcement practice, legal staff of the fuel and energy complex should be able to improve their professional skills, including highly qualified personnel, in a specialized Russian scientific organization involving renowned experts.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Gazprom, PJSC, managers and employees for their memory of Valery Abramovich Musin, support and assistance in developing and implementing research and educational programs in energy law.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our events. We welcome your suggestions and participation!