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Overview of the 2024 Youth Energy Law Forum

Today, on July 5, the annual Youth Energy Law Forum was held at the Russia International Exhibition Forum in the pavilion of Gazprom, PJSC. The forum is organized by Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science (Musin Center). The Musin Center was established in 2020 under the resolution and with the support of Gazprom, PJSC, to preserve and develop the scientific heritage of Valery A. Musin, a renowned Russian scholar, jurist, and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The forum was attended by a distinguished group of experts in the fields of gas, oil, nuclear energy, electric power, and corporate law from Russia and foreign countries, including the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Serbia, and the Eurasian Economic Union.

The forum was moderated by:

Viktoria V. Romanova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science.

Evgeny V. Vyakhirev, reporter and anchorman of the Morning. The Best Show on NTV

Anastasia B. Bondarenko, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, delivered a welcoming address to the participants.

Additionally, welcoming remarks were delivered to the participants by:

Dmitry G. Mamaev, First Deputy Head of the Rosmolodezh. Career and Rosmolodezh. Business Tracks.

Daria A. Melnik, Advisor of the Electricity and Nuclear Policy Division of the Energy Department of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Shi Xiaoquan, Professor of Law of the Hebei University of Technology (the People’s Republic of China)

Anna A. Efimova, Deputy Manager, Director of Legal Affairs, Mosenergo, PJSC

Reports were made by:

Anatoly A. Akhverdyan, Advisor to the Deputy Minister, Moscow Region Administration, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: The Grounds and Procedure for the Emergence of Rights to Land Plots for the Placement of Energy Facilities

Khava M. Ausheva, Lead Legal Counsel, Wholesale Electricity Market Support Department, TRANSNEFTENERGO, LLC. Report topic: Ways of Restoring Consumers’ Rights to High Quality Electricity

Dmitry A. Afanasyev, Lead Legal Counsel, Petersburg Sales Company, JSC. Report topic: On the Issue of Determining the Applicable Price under an Energy Supply Contract When Making Settlements with the “Public”

Danis F. Akhunzyanov, Lead Lawyer, Gazpromneft Expert Solutions, LLC. Report topic: Problems of Legal Regulation of Procurement from Related Parties within a Single Technological Process

Anastasia Yu. Bogdanova, Advisor of the Department of Economic Security in the Fuel and Energy Complex, Ministry of Energy of Russia. Report topic: The Development of Contractual Relations in the Field of Electric Power Supply in the Context of the Institution of Consumer Rights Protection

Anastasia A. Borodavko, Chief Specialist, Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: Law Enforcement Practice under a Contract of Technological Connection to Power Grids

Margarita I. Golubeva, Deputy Head of the Department for Legal Regulation of Services Provision, Head of the Antimonopoly Policy Implementation Department, Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC. Report topic: Antimonopoly Regulation in the Electric Power Industry

Elena V. Dergunova, Senior Legal Counsel of the Department of Legal Work with Receivables of the Regional Legal Regulation Center in Ekaterinburg, T Plus, PJSC. Report topic: The Legal Regulation of the Institution of Renewable Energy Sources: The Potential for Applying the Scandinavian Experience in Russian Energy Law

Olesya I. Eremeeva, Expert of the Property Management Department of RADON, FSUE, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: The Legal Mechanism for the Transfer of Nuclear Facilities to the Organization Engaged in Their Decommissioning

Vesna Z. Zhivkovic, Specialist of the Procurement and Tenders Department of Lukoil Serbia, LLC, Belgrade. Report topic: Geological and Mining Supervision: A Comparative Analysis of Russian and Serbian Law

Vadim V. Zubov, 1st Category Specialist of the Division of Legal Regulation for Power Grid Activities of the Department of Legal Regulation, ROSSETI Tyumen, JSC. Report topic: Problems of Determining the Volume of Electricity Consumption under Contracts for Electricity Transmission Services

Evgenia A. Illarionova, Lawyer, Gazpromneft Expert Solutions, LLC. Report topic: Digitalization of Construction of Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities Ekaterina M. Kologermanskaya, PhD (Law), Legal Counsel, PromHim, LLC. Report topic: CO2 Capture and Storage Technology: The Legal Experience of the Russian Federation and Foreign Countries

Konstantin V. Moskvin, Lawyer of the Department of Legal Administration, Market Council Association Non-Profit Partnership, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: The Manipulation of Prices in the Wholesale Electric Power and Capacity Market and Retail Electric Power Markets: Problems of Legal Regulation

Nikita A. Nikitin, Chief Specialist of Gazprom, PJSC, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: Specific Features of the Procedure for Concluding a Shareholders’ Agreement Between Oil and Gas Companies of the Russian Federation and Foreign Shareholders

Alexander S. Pates, General Director of Vershina Development, LLC, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: The Place of Contracts for the Construction of Generating Facilities Operating on Renewable Energy Sources in the System of Civil Law Contracts

Natalia A. Prytkova, Legal Counsel, Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod, LLC. Report topic: Establishing Public Easement over Linear Facilities

Sergey V. Smirnov, Chief Legal Counsel of the Law Drafting Division of the Legal Department, Transneft, PJSC, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: On the Limits of Access to the Infrastructure of Common Markets of Energy Resources of the Eurasian Economic Union as Guaranteed by the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty

Eleonora V. Snadina, Legal Counsel of the Legal Department, Tatenergo, JSC. Report topic: The Balance of Interests of Suppliers and Consumers in Case of Failure of Building-Level Heat Meters: Problems of Legal Regulation

Denis K. Sobolev, Chief Operations Officer, Bestdoctor, LLC, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: Analysis and Trends of the Cyber Insurance Market in the Russian Federation

Nikolay N. Toropov, 2nd Category Legal Counsel, Branch of Gazprom transgaz Saratov, LLC. Report topic: The Statutory Regulation of Requirements for Establishing Alarm Systems at Gas Transmission Facilities Fedor I. Trankalan, Chief Expert of the Department of Legal Regulation, ROSSETI Moscow Region, PJSC. Report topic: Current Problems Related to Uncontracted Power Consumption. Potential Solutions

Ksenia I. Khachaturova, Head of the Department of Legal Regulation for Commodity and Derivatives Markets, SPIMEX, JSC, Postgraduate Student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Report topic: Penalties and Ways to Apply Them When Traders Engage in Unfair Trading Practices in Commodity Exchanges

The discussion was attended by young specialists from energy companies, consulting companies, scientific and public organizations, and members of the Commission on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.

A recording of the Forum broadcast is available on the Musin Center YouTube channel.

RUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc0W5dv0cfQ

CH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qTfwc3eTKA


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