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  • Energy Law Dialogue in a Multipolar  World — Youth, State, Science, Business Perspective International Scientific and Practical Conference Was Successfully Held on September 28, 2024, within the Russian Energy Week Youth Day

Energy Law Dialogue in a Multipolar  World — Youth, State, Science, Business Perspective International Scientific and Practical Conference Was Successfully Held on September 28, 2024, within the Russian Energy Week Youth Day

The conference has been arranged by Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. The event is supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The conference was moderated by Viktoriya V. Romanova, Director of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science, and Chairperson of the Commission on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.

At the event opening, V.V. Romanova thanked everyone for assistance and support in holding the conference at the international forum, the Russian Energy Week, the largest venue for discussion of development trends in the world fuel and energy complex, defining new FEC development areas and search for optimal solutions in response to the existing challenges.

The following persons greeted the conference participants:

Anastasia B. Bondarenko, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Azyrbek O. Kozhoshev, Member of the Panel (Minister) for Energy and Infrastructure of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Nikolay P. Tokarev, President of Transneft, Public Joint-Stock Company.

Welcome addresses were made by the following persons:

Kirill A. Makarov, Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Andrey G. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Commission on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Stanislav V. Aleksandrov, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Anna A. Efimova, Deputy Managing Director, Director for Legal Affairs at Mosenergo, PJSC, Member of the Commission on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Nikita A. Zhabin, Head of the Legal Regulation Directorate of Inter RAO, PJSC, Member of the Commission on Energy Law and Development of Law in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Aleksey Sh. Sharafutdinov, Deputy Managing Director, Director for Regulatory and Corporate Issues at MOEK, PJSC.

The following foreign conference participants delivered their reports:

Suleyman Bosca, Head of the Energy Law Research Institute (Ankara), Head of the Energy Disputes Arbitration Center (EDAC), Managing Partner at Bosca Law (the Republic of Turkey). Subject of the report: Fuel and Energy Complex: Key Changes in the Energy Law;

Dr. Mukkatira Palangappa Chengappa, Head of the Research Center for Land Law, Mining and Real Estate, LL.D., Associate Professor at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (the Republic of India). Subject of the report: Energy Transition and Combating Climate Changes;

Joan Rosmy, LL.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Law of Nalsar University of Law (the Republic of India). Subject of the report: Renewable Energy Sources for Mitigation of Climate Change Consequences: Trends, New Tasks and Challenges;

Wang Yihong, Head of Shaanxi Taihe Intelligent Drilling Co. Ltd (the People’s Republic of China). Subject of the report: Legal and Technical Regulation of Coal Gas Exploration and Production in China.

Participants of the third stage of the All-Russian Competition of Scientific Publications by Young Specialists in the FEC and Young Scientists were awarded.
Diplomas were presented by: Anastasia B. Bondarenko, State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Kirill A. Makarov, Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The following young specialists of the FEC and young scientists delivered their reports:

Naira G. Artemova, Head of the Legal Directorate at Transneftenergo, LLC, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: The Competition Condition in Electric Power Retail Markets and Its Development Barriers;

Dmitriy A. Afanasyev, Lead Legal Counsel at Saint-Petersburg Sale Company, JSC. Subject of the report: On Calculating Off-the-Meter Electric Power Consumption;

Anatoliy A. Akhvedyan, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region Governor, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: The Notion, Classification, Legal Status of Energy Facilities;

Marsel F. Gabdulkhakov, Legal Counsellor for Corporate and Legal Support at ARYAN East-West (Clinic), LLC, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: International Legal Cooperation in Ensuring Environmental Safety of the Arctic Region in the Course of Hydrocarbon Resource Exploration;

Elena V. Dergunova, Senior Legal Counsel of the Department of Legal Work with Receivables of the Regional Legal Regulation Center in Ekaterinburg, T Plus, PJSC. Subject of the report: Legal Regulation of the Digital Twin Institute in the FEC;

Olesya I. Eremeeva, Expert of the Property Management Department of RADON, FSUE, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: Legal Foundations of Decommissioning and Complex Disposal of Vessels and Other Floating Crafts with Nuclear Power Plants;

Svetlana I. Kalmykova, Chief Specialist of the Legal Work Directorate at Mosenergo, PJSC. Subject of the report: Problematic Aspects of a Contract on Rights and Obligations of Citizens Related to Civil Defense Facilities and Property as Well as of Contracts for Holding Civil Defense Activities;

Alina V. Kartukhina, Legal Counsellor at Transneft, PJSC. Subject of the report: Oil Spill Response Plan. The Oil Spill Impact on Economy of Regions;

Ekaterina M. Kologermanskaya, Legal Counsellor at PromHim, LLC, PhD (Law). Subject of the report: Rational Use of Land Plots (Coastline) in Construction of Renewable Generation Infrastructure in the Laws of the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and China;

Irina E. Kryuchkova, Chief Legal Counsellor, System Operator of the Unified Energy System, JSC. Subject of the report: Certificates of Origin and Generation Attributes. Legal Qualification and Correlation with International Systems of Net Generation Accounting;

Nikita A. Nikitin, Chief Specialist at Gazprom, PJSC, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: Forms and Means of Guaranteeing the Fulfilment of Obligations by Parties to a Shareholder Agreement in Oil and Gas Companies;

Oksana V. Puras, HR Specialist of Personnel and Legal Regulation Group at Krupki Gas Transmittal Pipelines Administration Branch of Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, OJSC (the Republic of Belarus). Subject of the report: Legal Regulation of Information Security of Energy System Facilities of the Republic of Belarus;

Elina O. Sagalova, Assistant to Practicing Lawyer in Energy and Natural Resources at LEVEL Legal Services. Subject of the report: Agreement on Cooperation (AC) in Oil and Gas Projects;

Ruslan B. Sufyanov, Senior Legal Counsellor at Gazpromneft Expert Solutions, LLC. Subject of the report: The Take-or-Pay Basis in Contracts for Electric Power Supply Services: The Legal Nature and Application Problems in the Russian Federation;

Fyodor I. Trankalan, Chief Expert at Rosseti Moscow Region, PJSC. Subject of the report: Legal Specific Features of Settlements for Services of Electric Power Supply Using Power Supply Facilities Purchased after Setting a Tariff for Electric Power Supply Services;

Dmitriy D. Khalkhaev, Head of the Tax Accounting Business Function at TRINFICO, JSC, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: Recognition of Damages (Losses) Related to a Military Conflict by Taxpayers for Income Taxation Purposes. Problems of Theory and Practice;

Kseniya I. Khachaturova, Head of the Department of Legal Support of the Commodity and Derivatives Market at SPIMEX, JSC, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: Exchange Autonomy Limits in Establishing Requirements for Commodity Exchange Trading Participants;

Anastasiya A. Cherepanova, Head of the Division of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, postgraduate student of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science. Subject of the report: Areas of Minimum Distances to Main and Industrial Pipelines (Gas, Oil and Oil Products, Ammonia Pipe Lines) (Prerequisites for Introduction of Legal Regulation and Enforcement Practices of Transitional Provisions);

Roman Yu. Shestakov, Chief Specialist at Arctic Scientific Center, LLC. Subject of the report: Legal Aspects of Arranging Measures on Prevention and Mitigation of Oil and Oil Product Spills at the Continental Shelf and in Inland Sea Waters of the Russian Federation;

Nikita D. Shlyakhtin, Chief Expert at MOEK, PJSC. Subject of the report: Use of Prejudicial Expert Report as Evidence in Civil Proceedings on the Example of Cases on Civil Injuries in the Course of Heat Resources Supply.

Summing up the conference results, the participants noted that the level of works by FEC young specialists and young energy law scientists grows every year, many proposals, conclusions and recommendations are worth attention and support. Participation of young specialists from friendly states was specially noted. The event was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, all participants expressed their eagerness to take part in the events of A.V. Musin Center. We express our sincere gratitude to all participants of the event within the Russian Energy Week for their active work and wish them success and welfare!


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