BRICS Legal forum

Viktoriya Romanova, Director of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization V.A. Musin Research Center for the Development of Energy Law and Modern Legal Science, participated in the IX BRICS Legal Forum in Moscow on September 19 to 20, 2024, and reported on the tasks and trends of the international legal regulation in the energy sector within BRICS. The report focused on the following areas of legal regulation: international legal regulation of implementation of climate projects, acknowledgement of the results of climate projects within BRICS; establishment of the procedure for investigation of emergencies at international infrastructure projects within BRICS; international legal unification of provisions on insurance and reinsurance in implementation of international infrastructure projects within BRICS; development of principles and standards of corporate management at the companies, in which legal entities and individuals of BRICS member states are members; international legal unification of professional standards for energy law specialists, etc.

BRICS Legal Forum is a permanent open platform for legal cooperation and professional exchange of experience and ideas between lawyers of BRICS member states, promoting “legal diplomacy”, bringing together legal communities of BRICS member states, exchange of legal theory and practice, use of law as a tool of economic cooperation and social development of certain countries, reinforcement of the supremacy of law and mastering international law, cooperation in increasing the status of lawyers, development of legal profession, arrangement of comprehensive cooperation with international law institutes.

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