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  • YOUTH DAY. Program of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Energy Law Dialogue in a Multipolar World — The View of Youth, State, Science, and Business within the framework of the Russian Energy Week (REW) 2024

YOUTH DAY. Program of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Energy Law Dialogue in a Multipolar World — The View of Youth, State, Science, and Business within the framework of the Russian Energy Week (REW) 2024

Venue: Moscow, Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, Conference Hall “C” Floor -2
Date: September 28, 2024 Time: 15.00-17.00

Conference moderator Director of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre, Chairperson of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on energy law and the development of legislation in the fuel and energy complex – Victoria Valerievna Romanova

15.00 – 15.10
Welcomes to the Conference Participants

State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anastasia Borisovna Bondarenko

Awarding Participants of the Third stage of the All-Russian competition of Scientific publications of young specialists of the Fuel and Energy Complex and Young Scientists, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anastasia Borisovna Bondarenko, Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Kirill Aleksandrovich Makarov

Welcomes to the Conference Participants

Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Energy and Infrastructure of The Eurasian Economic Commission Arzybek Orozbekovich Kozhoshev


Welcome words and speeches from Russian and Foreign Experts:

Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the fuel and energy complex Andrey Gennadyevich Lisitsyn-Svetlanov

Adviser to the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) Oleg Aleksandrovich Makarov

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia; Vice President of the Synergy Corporation Stanislav Vitalyevich Aleksandrov

Deputy Managing Director – Director of Legal Affairs of PJSC Mosenergo, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and the Development of Legislation in the fuel and energy complex Anna Aleksandrovna Efimova

Head of the Directorate for Regulatory Support of PJSC Inter RAO, Member of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia on Energy Law and Development of Legislation in the fuel and energy complex Nikita Aleksandrovich Zhabin

Deputy Managing Director, Director for Legal and Corporate Affairs of PJSC MOEK Alexey Shamilevich Sharafutdinov

Head of the Institute for Energy Law Studies (Ankara), Head of the Center for the Resolution of Energy Disputes (EDAC) Managing Partner of Bosca Law Suleyman Bosca (Republic of Turkey). Topic: “Fuel and Energy Complex – Key Changes in Energy Law” (online)

Head of the Centre for Research in Land Law, Mining and Real Estate, LL.D., Associate Professor West Bengal National University of Law Sciences Dr. Mukkatira Palangappa Chengappa (Republic of India). Topic: “Energy Transition and Combating Climate Change” (online)

LL.D., Associate Professor, Department of Law Nalsara Law University, Dr. Joan Rosmy (Republic of India). Topic: “Renewable Energy for Climate Change Mitigation: Trends, Emerging Issues and Challenges” (online)

Chairman of Shaanxi Taihe Intelligent Drilling Co. Ltd., Doctor of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. Head of Shaanxi Taihe Intelligent Drilling Co. Ltd. Dr. Wang Yihong (People’s Republic of China). Topic of speech: “Legal and technical regulation of exploration and production of coal gas in China”.


Presentation by young specialists of the fuel and energy complex and young scientists

Pavel S. Anikanov, leading legal adviser of GAZPROM MEZHREGIONGAZ LLC, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “Features of foreign legal regulation of public easement for the construction and operation of gas pipelines”

Naira G. Artemova, Head of the legal department of Transneftenergo LLC, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “The state of competition in retail electricity markets and barriers to its development”

Dmitry A. Afanasev, Lead Legal Counsel, Saint-Petersburg Sale Company, JSC. Topic: “On the issue of calculating the volume of unaccounted-for electricity consumption”

Anatoly A. Akhverdyan, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Governor of Moscow Region, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “Concept, classification, legal status of energy facilities”

Anastasia A. Borodavko, Chief Specialist of PJSC “ROSSETI LENENERGO”, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “The legal nature of the agreement on technological connection to electric networks”

Marsel F.Gabdulhakov, Legal adviser for corporate and legal support of Arian IST-WEST (clinic) LLC, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “International legal cooperation in the field of ensuring environmental safety in the Arctic during the development of hydrocarbon resources”

Elena V. Dergunova, Senior legal adviser of the department of legal work with accounts receivable of the Regional Center for Legal Support in Yekaterinburg of PAO T Plus. Topic: “Legal support for the institute of digital twins in the fuel and energy complex”

Olesya I. Eremeeva, Expert of the property management department of FSUE “RADON”, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “Legal basis for the decommissioning and comprehensive disposal of ships and other floating craft with nuclear power plants”

Yulia V.Zhilkina, Chief specialist of the branch of PJSC “Rosseti” – main electric networks of the Center (MES Center). Topic: “Legal regulation of the activities of the system-forming territorial grid organization”

Svetlana I. Kalmykova, Chief Specialist of the Legal Department of PJSC Mosenergo. Topic: “Problematic aspects of the agreement on rights and obligations in relation to civil defense facilities and property, as well as on the implementation of civil defense measures”

Alina V. Kartukhina, Legal Advisor of PJSC Transneft. Topic: “Oil Spill Response Plan. The Impact of Oil Spills on the Economy of Regions”

Ekaterina M. Kologermanskaya, Legal Advisor at PromKhim LLC, PhD in Law. Topic: “Rational Use of Land Plots (Coastal Line) in the Construction of Renewable Generation Infrastructure in the Legislation of the Russian Federation, Great Britain and China” (online)

Irina Evgenievna Kryuchkova, Chief Legal Adviser, JSC SO UES, Topic of the speech: “Certificates of Origin and Generation Attributes. Legal Qualification and Correlation with International Net Generation Accounting Systems”

Nikita Aleksandrovich Nikitin, Chief Specialist of PJSC Gazprom, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic of the speech:”Forms and methods of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations of the parties to a shareholder agreement in oil and gas companies”

Oksana Vasilyevna Puras, HR specialist of the HR and Legal support group of the branch “Krupskoye Directorate of Trunk Gas Pipelines of Gazprom Transgaz Belarus LLC” (Republic of Belarus). Topic of the speech: “Legal support for information security of energy system facilities of the Republic of Belarus”

Elina Olegovna Sagalova, assistant lawyer of the Energy and Natural Resources practice of LEVEL Legal Services. Topic of the speech: “Joint activity agreement (JAA) in oil and gas projects”

Ruslan B. Sufyanov, Senior Legal Advisor, Gazpromneft Expert Solutions LLC. Topic: “The “take or pay” principle in contracts for the provision of electricity transmission services: legal nature and problems of application in the Russian Federation”

Fyodor I.Trankalan, Chief Expert, Rosseti Moscow Region PJSC. Topic: “Legal Features of Making Payments for Electricity Transmission Services for Electricity Grid Facilities Acquired After the Tariff for Electricity Transmission Services was Set”

Dmitry O. Khandryga, Head of Department, Mosenergosbyt JSC. Topic: “Energy Crisis and Tariff Regulation within the EU”

Dmitry D. Khakhaev, Head of Tax Accounting, TRINFICO JSC, Postgraduate Student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “Recognition by taxpayers of losses (damages) associated with the conduct of a military conflict for income tax purposes. Theoretical and Practical Issues”

Ksenia I. Khachaturova, Head of the Department of Legal Support for Commodity and Derivatives Markets of JSC “SPIMEX”, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “Limits of the Exchange’s Freedom to Establish Requirements for Participants in Exchange Trading in Commodities”

Anastasia A. Cherepanova, Head of Department of Legal Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, postgraduate student of the Musin Energy Law and Modern Legal Science Centre. Topic: “Zones of minimum distances to main or industrial pipelines (gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, ammonia pipelines) (prerequisites for introducing legal regulation and law enforcement practice of transitional provisions)”

Roman Y. Shestakov, Chief Specialist of Arctic Research Center LLC. Topic: “Legal aspects of organizing measures to prevent and eliminate oil and oil product spills on the continental shelf and inland sea waters of the Russian Federation”

Nikita D. Shlyakhtin, Leading Specialist of MOEK PJSC. Topic: “Using a pre-trial expert opinion as evidence in civil proceedings using the example of tort cases in the supply of thermal resources”.

Summing up of the conference by members of the organizing committee.

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